My favourtie Sushee!! ;]
Ebikko still the best!!

As usual, hubbee picked me up at my home around 8.30pm. Then, we headed to the nearest shopping mall, Midvalley!!
Dinner of the night = Sushi King. This time a little bit different, I treat my Hubbee eat geh. Nyeknyek..
Movie of the night = Vampire warriors. Actually we thought of watching The Tourist at 9.00pm, but we were late. So, watch Vampire warriors at 9.50pm. ;D
After a movie, we came out from the cinema, through the same entrance when we first go in. I saw a white little thingy on a floor. OMG! It was a condom!! 101% sure it was a CONDOM!! LOL
I wonder who bring it to the cinema, so desperate to have X in cinema arr... LOL
After that back home lurh because I cant stay out too late, macam Cinderella. Need to back home before 12.00am. @,@
Although the night was very normal, but I still feel great because Hubbee can accompanied me ;D
*Cherish each moment that I have with him* ^_^
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