It's been a while I didn't update my blog and my blog become...... so dead!! (>,<)
really really need to update more often
Yea, the reasons why I didn't update for so long is because I have SO MANY problems
Once there are many problems troubling me, I really not in the mood to do anything... sigh
Erm, I thought after exam should be very happie and enjoying my holidays
but things never go so well
On last saturday, hubbee told me that he will take me up to Genting on monday morning because he took a leave on monday....sigh
I was so happie when I heard this good news
because of some little problem
We ended up : I went to Neway with my sis and he went to somewhere else (T,T)
I was so damn sad because he didn't take me to genting as promised
I don't like it!! I hate it!!
If you can't do it, why do u still make the promise to me and give me a FAKE HOPE!
Besides that, another hurtful things is because of Hubbee's personal problem
He wants leave me
I understood his situation
so I have made the most stupid decision in my life to let him leave me eventhough I really really farking sad and don't want him to leave me
but why I still make this stupid decision... sigh...
(Yesterday night)
At first, I always ask myself why both of us truly love each other but then why we can't be together...sigh
My mind were full of him and all the problems
I can't stop thinking about it
At night, he came to find me and fortunately, we managed to settled the problems
so we will still remains the same... just like before (he loves me so much and I love him so so muchieee too) ;))
Yea, we've learned our lessons
Why not considered more options before we choose the very last option which is to leave each other, gave so much hurt to each other... ;)))
(♥ our LOVE will never fade away♥)
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