i LOVE to SMILE!! =)
I really don't know what to write and where to start but I just feel like blogging.
I sacrifice my dinner time and drama time to blogging, hee hee
back to back, I'm still remain like this. Full of SADNESS, DISAPPOINTMENT and blah blah blah
sigh, hate this so much!
Yesterday night something bad really happened, AGAIN!! sigh...
I've tried so hard to control myself and maintain our relationships but at the end (T,T) sigh... why everything has to become like that? ='(
I really thank to some people.. Every time when I'm extremely down, there are always some jokers like to comment on the changes of my relationship status
A guy said I love to create story... wow! this one can consider the most stupid comment ever.
I feel like asking him, why the fuck I want to create story?
You can choose either to take it or just ignore it, right?
even if you really want to give comment, say something better wouldn't harm you right.
You don't understand, I don't blame you. At least you don't have to say something like that when I'm really really fcuking down.
Besides that, there is another one quite funny..
I feel so speechless, really don't know how to reply him. LOL.. SURRENDER! because no point for me to argue with you when you don't even know what was happening and I'm lazy to talk to you cuz you mean nothing to me =PPP
Few hours ago, he message me and said he wants me back =( sigh...
I was really happie and I'm kidding with him by saying I don't want... LOL
He even said he will come fetch me to go to Mid valley =))))
My happy mood keep on increasing, it's gonna burst out soon.. kaka
BUT after a while I receive another message saying that he wont meet me tonight =((((
Super sad!!!! That's my life~~ Things always go up and down
I really started to jealous so many couple around me who are very sweet sweet together except for ME!! ;'))))
Sorry, I think most of my FB friends for sure will think that I'm EMO!!
What I can tell is I hate being EMO!! I really hate it!!! =) Being emo is not what I want
I guess that's it for tonight gonna have my dinner....
I'm starving like hell...
hee hee BYE!!
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