Time to update my blog again! I had 3 classes this morning, but too bad I manage to attend two classes only, missed my Investment class AGAIN!! FML!! Don't know why investment class always have to be in the morning from 8am to 10am, how to wake up? =,='
Alright, after skip my Investment class, Management Accounting comes the next, see picture 1. Both my classmates were sleeping peacefully , ^,^d ---> nais!! The lecturer really got the power of hypnotizing people! LOL... Students attending lecture class is getting lesser and lesser as there are no attendance taken for lecture class anymore, only for tutorial class, that's why many student very syiok in ponteng class everyday, including ME! ;D
During Management Accd class, Min wei was sitting besides me and Kelvin was besides him, both of them really lmao. Min wei always like to talk nonsense which makes me laugh 99 and Kelvin keep on spamming my whatsapp... beh tahan him.. LOL
After class, went to chill at Zhia's Kitchen, makan makan and chui chui sui lo.. =)
After the break time, I have Entrepreneurship class at 2 to 4pm. This picture was taken during tutorial class. Three of them busy writing their answers on the white board. Really like this lecturer, very funny and friendly =) ^,^d
Just for sharing =)
Nice packaging =)
Ready to drink ^,^d
My hubby meow bought this for me. I told him almost every month I suffer from menstrual pain, so far I've only consumed 10 bottles only, gonna continue consuming it until my next month period visit again, so I can see whether it works on me or not. Hopefully it can help me. ;)